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Cosm'Innov Abstracts List 2023

Oral & Posters communications

151 Abstracts

Abstract number Topic Company/Institution Title Type Abstract PDF
G8DASA1 TOPIC 1 - Inspired by Nature UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Comparative analysis of Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oils and evaluation of their anti-aging potential Poster abstract Click
BZ50987 TOPIC 1 - Inspired by Nature UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties of major olive oil secoiridoids Poster abstract Click
ENMGANI TOPIC 4 - Interdisciplinary science for efficient formulations UNIVERSITÉ LE HAVRE NORMANDIE Clinical efficacy of photoprotective formulations containing or not the association of Vitamin C and E derivatives Poster abstract Click
RBVPYQP TOPIC 4 - Interdisciplinary science for efficient formulations LABFIT -HPRD LDA Hygiene Products for Pets: innovative approaches using the human cosmetics’ experience Poster abstract Click
5HK86KB TOPIC 4 - Interdisciplinary science for efficient formulations UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Skin Absorption of Phenoxyethanol from Baby Wipe Products Poster abstract Click
HM2V4XU TOPIC 4 - Interdisciplinary science for efficient formulations UNIVERSIDADE DA BEIRA INTERIOR Cosmetic Products marketed for Atopic Dermatitis in Portugal: Analysis of Claims and Labeling Poster abstract Click
8IPU9N0 TOPIC 4 - Interdisciplinary science for efficient formulations UNIVERSIDADE DA BEIRA INTERIOR Cosmetic products for Atopic Dermatitis with natural mineral water from Termas de São Pedro do Sul Poster abstract Click
4Y3W58A TOPIC 4 - Interdisciplinary science for efficient formulations UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO BICOCCA NanoCosPha: Innovative Technologies for Personal Care Poster abstract Click
6SWMWJJ TOPIC 4 - Interdisciplinary science for efficient formulations UNIVERSITE DE VERSAILLES-SAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINES New approach of anti-oxydant capacity by electrochemical analysis Poster abstract Click
SZ0U6H3 TOPIC 3 - Human perceptions of beauty in a changing environment LABORATOIRES EXPANSCIENCE Gynandropsis gynandra extract limits development of acne by preserving microbial balance and associated virulence factors. Poster abstract Click
D4DSHPR TOPIC 3 - Human perceptions of beauty in a changing environment LABORATOIRES EXPANSCIENCE Tea oil concentrate from Camellia oleifera, obtained by molecular distillation, to improve skin comfort and well-being. Poster abstract Click
I72O9BG TOPIC 4 - Interdisciplinary science for efficient formulations GROUPE BERKEM Plant Polyphenolic Extract from Berkem Biosolutions® for antimicrobial protection of cosmetic products Poster abstract Click
JMA265T TOPIC 2 - Knowledge of human biology for better cosmetics UNIVERSITE PARIS-SACLAY Molecular skin effects of blue light exposure: characterization of epidermal lipidome by normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry. Poster abstract Click
02Q8KJI TOPIC 1 - Inspired by Nature ADSI - AUSTRIAN DRUG SCREENING INSTITUTE GMBH Innovative Approaches in Analytical Chemistry and Biological Studies in Natural Product Research - Applications in Phytocosmetics, Phytopharmacy and Phytonutrition Poster abstract Click
GEN45UZ TOPIC 4 - Interdisciplinary science for efficient formulations INNOV&SEA In vitro marine ecotoxicity tests: an innovative method to assess the environmental impact from raw materials to final products Oral abstract Click
UF85LH4 TOPIC 4 - Interdisciplinary science for efficient formulations INVENTIONBIO S.A. Smart delivery systems from zero waste biorefinery: from theory to practice Oral abstract Click
30KKUM2 TOPIC 1 - Inspired by Nature UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO - FACULTY OF ANIMAL ACIENCE AND FOOD ENGINEERING Antioxidant activity and vitamin E in oil from black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) extracted with supercritical CO2 as a potential raw material for cosmetics Poster abstract Click
0VAXM3J TOPIC 1 - Inspired by Nature AYLA BIOMIMICRY A biomimetic framework for sustainable innovation in the cosmetics industry Oral abstract Click
K958Z4S TOPIC 1 - Inspired by Nature PHARMAGNOSE S.A. Development of cosmetic products guided by science and technology Poster abstract Click
HNMZ7DR TOPIC 4 - Interdisciplinary science for efficient formulations SWIFT INNOVATIONS INC. Liposomal encapsulated zeaxanthin and lutein for topical application Oral abstract Click

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